Current & Previous Projects


  • PDC is one of the lead consultants pioneering rural development in the San Luis Valley. Working closely with the Town of Center, this project involves a public private partnership and master planning 90 acres adjacent to town limits. PDC assisted the town with the annexation, updates to the land use code, forming an urban renewal plan and creative financing to make the project feasible. This master planned community will bring affordable housing, commercial development and public amenities to the town.


  • PDC has been hired by the City of Durango to provide on call economic development services. We work closely with the Community Development Department and the Durango Renewal Partnership to facilitate public private partnerships. These partnerships are designed to help the City achieve its mission of providing more affordable housing to its residents and attracting commercial development for its economy. Our economic development services include gap funding analysis, fiscal impact analysis, TIF projections, reimbursement agreements, and bonding capacity forecasts.

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  • Coming Soon

  • This project aimed to facilitate strategic public infrastructure improvements, address existing development challenges, and ultimately generate new affordable housing for the City. The creation of a comprehensive Urban Renewal Plan was crucial for achieving these goals. Our collaboration yielded several key deliverables. A Conditions Survey meticulously assessed the area's eligibility for Urban Renewal designation. Additionally, a Gap Funding Analysis estimated the funding required for new development feasibility within the District. Furthermore, a Fiscal Impact Report meticulously forecasted potential tax increment generation and its impact on taxing entities. Finally, a comprehensive Urban Renewal Plan document served as a roadmap for the Project's successful implementation.


  • PDC completed an analysis for the proposed redevelopment of a blighted site into a desirable mixed-use development aligned with the city's urban renewal goals. While feasibility hinged on a public-private partnership with the city's Urban Renewal Authority (URA) through tax increment financing (TIF), we evaluated the developer's request for TIF assistance and determined if it was justified based on the estimated funding gap. Furthermore, we analyzed the potential TIF generation of the project by considering the urban renewal plan area's tax structure and past TIF agreements, which produced a model to ensure their past TIF support only bridged the essential funding gap for "The Col's" success.


  • PDC is a partner with Kansas State University’s Technical Assistance to Brownsfield ‘s program (KSUTAB). As a KSUTAB partner, PDC provides Economic Development feasibility studies to brownsfield communities across the county. KSU TAB operates within EPA regions 5,6,7 and 8. Past project locations have included: Sheridan County, WY, Sioux City, IA, Natchez, LA and most recently Amsterdam, NY. PDC services help these brownsfield communities position formerly contaminated properties for redevelopment.


  • PDC conducted a hotel feasibility study to equip Monte Vista with the information needed to strategically attract developers. We analyzed the local and regional hospitality market using demographics, traffic data, and existing hotels. Stakeholder input and a SWOT analysis were incorporated to refine the study and identify the type of hotel desired by the city. By considering both quantitative and qualitative factors, the study assessed demand and pinpointed potential locations within and around the city. Finally, a financial analysis examined the feasibility of a hypothetical hotel based on this data.


  • PDC is working with the Town of Frederick’s Urban Renewal Authority in creating its newest Urban Renewal Plan. The Eagle Business Park Phase II plan will leverage tax increment financing (TIF) to attract commercial manufacturing businesses to the town. The plan includes tax exempt property and a land swap that will help Agilent Industries expand their operations in northern Colorado. This plan will facilitate over a billion dollars in investment and in primary jobs in the Town of Frederick.

  • Coming Soon


  • The City of Delta and the Delta Urban Renewal Authority has contracted PDC to facilitate hotel development in the community. Delta has sought to attract a brand name hotel for over a decade. This project is intended to realize these community goals. PDC will layer funding tools ranging from land equity to TIF to create an incentive package to make hotel development feasible.


  • PDC is working with the Town of Erie Urban Renewal Authority (TOE URA) on the I25 Erie Gateway Project. This visionary project aims to extend the town’s urban fabric towards the I25 corridor, while maintaining its historic smalltown character. The I25 Erie Gateway project envisions walkable neighborhood level development complete with commercial businesses, shopping and public amenities. PDC is helping establish an urban renewal plan plan(s) over this 2000 acre area to leverage TIF and metropolitan districts to help extend public infrastructure throughout the site. This will establish a public private partnership that will achieve the community’s vision for this development.


  • PDC conducted an Economic Impact Study to examine the potential effects of a Center for the Arts on the economy of Creede, Mineral County, and the surrounding region. This study analyzed demographics, economic trends, and industry factors specific to mountain communities. We also reviewed case studies of similar Arts Centers built in rural areas to add qualitative support to an otherwise quantitative analysis. Additionally, the study assessed the project's impact on government budgets by evaluating potential changes in tax revenue and spending. By incorporating these elements, the study comprehensively explored the economic impact of the proposed Center for the Arts.


  • Perched above the Arkansas river within the City of Pueblo, the Bluffs is a mixed use development featuring apartments and commercial space. This site faces significant development challenges and funding gaps. PDC was hired by the Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority to create an Urban Renewal Plan and leverage tax increment financing (TIF) to support the development. This public private partnership will help achieve a higher and better use to a historically underutilized site near downtown Pueblo.

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  • PDC is working with the City of Longmont and the Longmont Urban Renewal Authority to create its newest Urban Renewal Plan Area. This Urban Renewal Project includes the historic Sugar Beet Factory. The Sugar Beet Factory and its surrounding parcels require significant environmental remediation. PDC conducted a Conditions Survey to catalogue blighting factors and begin of Urban Renewal treatment. This Urban Renewal Project will help remediate environmental contamination, opening the door for new investment and redevelopment.


  • PDC worked with the Town of Aztec to draft an RFQ/RFP that would effectively market parcels to potential hotel developers. To do so, PDC produced a comprehensive evaluation of potential sites, assemblage strategies, market challenges and constructed the associated incentive packages utilizing current sales/tax revenue.


  • PDC performed a detailed feasibility analysis to help determine the appropriate level of Gap Funding necessary for project feasibility. The final report provided the Castle Rock DDA with a spectrum of gap funding ranges and their impact on the project’s return on investment.


  • PDC is currently conducting a customized Housing Demand and Market Analysis Study to address Canon City's unique housing affordability needs. Our approach will identify feasible locations, development costs, and potential incentives to make Canon City an attractive market for builders. The final report will serve as a valuable tool for Canon City to use when marketing itself to the private developers.


  • PDC assisted Central City with constructing a Plan of Development for their newly formed Downtown Development Authority (DDA). This plan ensured compliance with Colorado's Revised Statutes and was informed by the city's existing Comprehensive Plan and Urban Renewal Plan documents. Through necessary studies and reports, we helped Central City establish their DDA Plan area and equip them with the tools to leverage future DDA projects and public-private partnerships.


  • PDC helped develop the Centerra South Urban Renewal Plan for Loveland and its Urban Renewal Authority. This included the Conditions Survey, Impact Report, and Plan document. We further supported the project team by negotiating revenue sharing agreements with the Developer, utilizing financial models to assess public impact. Additionally, Cost of Service studies ensured the development's fiscal sustainability for the City. Our commitment continues through ongoing support to the City's Finance Department.

  • Coming Soon


  • PDC conducted an analysis to identify the most feasible Public-Private Partnership (P3) strategy for the City of Northglenn and its Urban Renewal Authority (NURA) at Washington Point. This analysis compared multiple development scenarios based on their projected incremental taxable revenues. An iterative model was developed to project property and sales taxes generated by each scenario. These projections quantified Washington Point's taxable value under various redevelopment strategies. By comparing these projections to estimated costs, the analysis identified the development strategies that would generate the greatest levels of incentives for Northglenn. This information was then used to strategically craft the city's redevelopment strategy and Request for Proposal (RFP), ensuring financial feasibility.


  • Coming Soon

Katherine Correll

Executive Director Downtown Colorado Inc. 

Their ability to collect and analyze data with speed and accuracy is surpassed only by the ability to tell the stories that the data presents.”

Brian Waldes

Chief Financial Officer, City of Loveland, CO

Pioneer helped our City negotiate an extremely complex development plan.  Andrew’s role included reviewing confidential financial plans and attending board meetings.  He fit into our negotiation team seamlessly and his efforts helped our group immeasurably.  Going forward, we will absolutely seek Andrew’s counsel when approaching major public-private partnership arrangements.” 

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